Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Laughter Therapy

I have suddenly become very health conscious :) So, I have begun swimming lessons and also do some rigorous walking. Now, there is this park opposite to my home where I take my morning walk.

This park is where one can find a lot of activity going on at any time of the day. There is a nice music system which plays tunes according to the mood of the day. Every morning I can remotely hear some devotional songs and night times are meant for old kishore kumar songs :) When I walk in to the park, there is this girl in one corner, sitting in one of those make-shift wooden benches, hard at work preparing for some competitive exam. And there are 3 housewives who sit diagonally opposite to her, catching up on their daily gossip. And I also see a young man, doing Pranayama inside an enclosure in the park.

Now, the centre of attraction is this group of old retired men and a bunch of plump old women. They form a circle in the centre of the park and practice laughter therapy (or whatever it is technically known as). They are members of 'The Laughing Club'.

I have been doing daily rounds for about a fortnight now. And from day 1, I couldn't help observing their routine, to the extent that it has become imbibed hard in my mind! The first thing they do before every laughing exercise, is like a warm up to it. It goes like this "Oh Oh Ha Ha Ha" (x 4) followed by a count of 1,2,3 and 4 after which they laugh loudly. There is a leader of the pack standing in the centre (and whose laughter is the loudest of all!) who instructs (mumbles rather!) them as to which exercise they should do (read laugh). And there is one elusive old woman whose laughter just rings at a very high frequency, sometimes drilling into my head - I still haven't found the source! Here are some names I hear from the leader - 'Silent Laughter', 'Laughing at oneself' and the more interesting 'Chinese Laughter'and 'Japanese Laughter' etc..The group also takes small breaks inbetween their exercises to go for a stroll. But of what use will a laughter therapy be, if the laughter is not natural, from the bottom of the heart and instead, induced out of force, I wonder!

The bottomline is this - whether the exercises benefit the old people who stand there everday practicing it, or not, it sure gives me enough laughter therapy to last through the day :)


Anonymous said...

You observe the world around you like a kid! I dont remember when I last observed my surroundings in an urban setup.

Anonymous said...

Hmm... Janani is going to lose all that baby fat! Ha ha... - Anand

The Avenger !!! said...

ohh hoo hahahah and reading the post gave me enough laughter therapy to last through the day.

Well actually the image of someone giving out a boisterous laugh does make me smile so i guess thats wht these ppl are practicing each day.

"How to laugh your blues away"...

nice one, keep writing....

Anonymous said...

I thinking laughing at oneself is better theraphy. :) But I find laughing at others more convenient. ;)

And I think some portions of what might go on in a B'lore park are conveniently left out ;). Shall we assume for good ?

Anonymous said...

I recently moved to Delhi and the first night i was shock when at 6 a.m. a big laughing wake me up. I lived in Hauz Khas, in front of Green Park and i want to get up one day early to see these people ;-) Your post give me more curiosity now!